Opportunities for playwrights

A filterable directory of opportunities for playwrights in the UK and Ireland. All opportunities listed here are free to apply to and take part in. If you have an opportunity you’d like me to add, please submit it here.

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Deadline: 26 Feb 2025

London Library Emerging Writers Programme

London everyone 18+
application form writing sample development programme

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme, now entering its seventh year, is a unique opportunity which offers writers, in all genres and disciplines, one year’s free membership of The London Library and includes writing development masterclasses, networking opportunities, peer support, access to and guidance in using all the Library’s resources and publication in the cohort anthology.

View opportunity on londonlibrary.co.uk
Deadline: 1 Mar 2025

Barons Court Theatre: Reboot 5

anywhere everyone no age limits
short plays application form production

The Barons Court Theatre are open for submissions of plays for a one week run at their Reboot Festival this autumn. Plays must be up to 20 min in length with a maximum of six performers and minimal set, and should have either never been performed in the UK or not since 1 Jan 2024.

View opportunity on baronscourttheatre.com
Deadline: 1 Apr 2025

The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize 2025

anywhere everyone 18+
script submission full length stage plays short plays cover letter prize/competition

The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize will be open for applications from 1st February to 1st April 2025. The Prize will be awarded for the best playwriting response on the theme of Fear. The winner will receive a cash prize of £3,000.

View opportunity on alpinefellowship.com
Deadline: 22 Apr 2025

The Women’s Prize for Playwriting 2025

anywhere Ireland women writers non-binary writers 16+
full length stage plays prize/competition

The Women’s Prize for Playwriting 2025 is open for submissions until 22nd April 2025. The winner will receive £20,000 and the winning script will be optioned by the Women’s Prize for Playwriting, Ellie Keel Productions, Paines Plough and Sheffield Theatre and published by Concord Theatricals.

View opportunity on womensprizeforplaywriting.co.uk
Deadline: 30 Apr 2025

Oxford/42 New Writing Prize

anywhere everyone 18+
pitch full length stage plays radio plays script submission prize/competition

The Oxford/42 New Writing Prize is open to anyone aged 18 or over living, working or studying in the UK at the closing date for submissions. The winner will receive £1500 along with professional representation by 42.

View opportunity on 42mp.com
Deadline: 2 May 2025

Royal Court Young Playwrights Award

London everyone 13-18
short plays prize/competition

The Royal Court Young Playwrights Award is open to writers aged 13-18 who live or go to school in London. Applications are open from 24 March to 2 May 2025. Plays can be 1,000 to 5,000 words long (about 10 to 30 minutes on stage).

View opportunity on royalcourttheatre.com
No deadline

Beyond Face: We Are Here To Write

South West global majority writers Black writers South Asian writers South East Asian writers East Asian writers no age limits
application form development programme

We Are Here To Write is a writing group for Global Majority South West based artists. Meeting fortnightly online, the group is a space for coming together, writing and developing as writers and artists. It has become a community for its members, a space where everyone’s talents and strengths are celebrated.

View opportunity on beyondface.co.uk
No deadline

Finborough Theatre: Script Submissions

anywhere everyone no age limits
script submission full length stage plays CV/portfolio production development programme

The Finborough Theatre welcomes unsolicited scripts at any time of the year.

View opportunity on finboroughtheatre.co.uk
No deadline

Southwark Playhouse: Black Writers Collective

London Black writers 18+
application form development programme

A writing group for anyone aged 18+ who identifies as Black British, Black African or Caribbean. Through monthly workshops the Black Writers Collective develop their own skills as writers through workshops, sharing of their own work with each other and public audiences, as well as hearing from invited industry guests.

View opportunity on southwarkplayhouse.co.uk
No deadline

Theatre Royal Stratford East: Freelance Royalty

London everyone 18+
application form online booking development programme

The Freelance Royalty Scheme is Theatre Royal Stratford East’s membership designed to support arts freelancers aged 18+ living or working in East London.

View opportunity on stratfordeast.com
No deadline

Young Vic Creators Program: Genesis Network

anywhere everyone 18+
application form development programme

The Genesis Network is open to all early-career creatives aged 18+ based in the UK. The Young Vic Creators Program aims to support and connect multi- and anti-disciplinary artists and processes and explore future practice.

View opportunity on youngvic.org
No deadline

Beyond Face: We Are Here To Unlock

South West global majority writers South Asian writers Black writers East Asian writers South East Asian writers no age limits
application form one to one support

Beyond Face are offering one to one sessions with a member of their team with the aim of unlocking practical, actionable ways to move your theatre project forward. The sessions are for global majority creatives.

View opportunity on beyondface.co.uk
No deadline

Barons Court Theatre: The Sunday Fix

London everyone no age limits
script submission short plays scratch night

The Sunday Fix is a scratch night in two parts: first a Q&A with an established theatre maker followed by 3-4, 10-minute excerpts from new plays. Writers may submit up to 10-minutes of a work in progress.

View opportunity on baronscourttheatre.com
No deadline

Box of Tricks: Open Door

North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber everyone no age limits
script submission development programme

Box of Tricks has a year-round, open door policy to receiving new plays and forging creative relationships with Northern playwrights. They work closely with playwrights to support their development through the PlayMakers Network and various playwriting programmes and commission new plays through their New Tricks programme. They do not produce unsolicited submissions from writers so please bear this in mind when sending your work.

View opportunity on bbc.co.uk
No deadline

Eastern Angles: New Angles Writers Club

East of England everyone 16+
online booking development programme

Eastern Angles runs a monthly New Angles Writers Club for East Anglian playwrights at any stage of their careers. It offers the chance to join a local writing community and receive support and feedback on a play in development.

View opportunity on easternangles.co.uk
No deadline

Liverpool’s Royal Court: Stage Write Nights

North West everyone no age limits
script submission short plays scratch night

Stage Write is a writing initiative run by Liverpool’s Royal Court to support and develop new writing for the stage. Regular showcase nights are held in their Studio space, at which a selection of excerpts are rehearsed and performed by a cast of professional actors.

View opportunity on liverpoolsroyalcourt.com

Liverpool Playhouse Playwrights’ Programme

North West everyone 18+
writing sample application form development programme

The Liverpool Playhouse is inviting writers from the Liverpool region to apply to their free Playwrights’ Programme. The Programme consists of a series of fortnightly workshops and opportunities to share work in table reads within the group and Scratch Studio.

View opportunity on everymanplayhouse.com

Rebound Productions: Search for New Playwrights

anywhere everyone no age limits
short plays script submission production

Rebound Productions are looking for one act plays for three characters that are 10-15 minutes in length, to be performed on a London stage.

View opportunity on reboundproductions.com

Bitter Pill: The Painkiller Prize

anywhere everyone no age limits
pitch writing sample CV/portfolio commission prize/competition

The Painkiller Prize is a new commissioning prize for audacious playwrights who place humour at the heart of their work. Bitter Pill are seeking pitch submissions from UK-based playwrights, alongside a CV and writing sample. The plays pitched should have a maximum cast size of 4. The winner will receive a commission of £7,500.

View opportunity on bitterpilltheatre.com

Creative Check-In: Q&A with Helen Black

anywhere everyone no age limits
online booking social / event

Anna Jordan will be hosting a Q&A with Helen Black, the writer of Series 2 of TIME on BBC One.

View opportunity on eventbrite.co.uk

Life in a Northern Town

North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber everyone 14-29
writing sample any application form development programme

Life in a Northern Town is a new free playwriting programme for young people aged 14-29 across the North. You will work with a partner theatre and have access to workshops, a writing residency, peer to peer learning, mentoring and masterclasses. The ambition is to create a bold new programme of touring work that represents the hopes, frustrations and imaginations of a diverse group of new writers growing up in the region.

View opportunity on northern-broadsides.co.uk

Menagerie: Young Writers’ Workshops 2024

East of England South East everyone 18-30
cover letter CV/portfolio writing sample pitch development programme

Menagerie is a new writing theatre company based at Cambridge Junction. The Young Writers’ Workshop is their flagship development programme for writers aged 18-30, living in the East and South East of England. You will learn from experienced writers, receive feedback on your work, connect with peers and broaden your professional network. It is a space to risk, to extend horizons and discover new influences. There will also be opportunities to have work performed at the Hotbed Festival in July 2024 at Cambridge Junction.

View opportunity on menagerie.uk.com

Staging the Climate Crisis Scratch Night

anywhere everyone no age limits
short plays script submission scratch night

Wise Ram Theatre are looking for 5-10 minute scripts and extracts exploring the climate crisis to be performed at their scratch night at The Glitch in Waterloo.

View opportunity on wiseramtheatre.co.uk

Box of Tricks: Accelerate

North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber everyone 35+
application form writing sample development programme

Accelerate is a development programme for Northern playwrights aged 35+ designed to help playwrights develop a brand-new play and make a step up in both their craft and professional writing careers.

View opportunity on boxoftrickstheatre.co.uk

Graeae: Crips with Chips

anywhere Deaf writers disabled writers neurodivergent writers no age limits
short plays script submission production

Graeae invites Deaf, disabled or neurodiverse writers to submit a 10-20 minute play responding to the prompt ‘a fork in the road’ for their next Crips with Chips showcase at Liverpool Everyman.

View opportunity on graeae.org

Haywire Theatre: The Pocketfull Project

anywhere everyone no age limits
script submission short plays production

Haywire Theatre are looking for monologue scripts between 5 and 15 minutes in length for The Pocketfull Project, a series of digital theatrical performances that take advantage of the online medium.

View opportunity on haywiretheatre.co.uk

Hooley Theatre: Haddaway & Write 2024

North East everyone 16+
script submission short plays development programme

Haddaway & Write will support up to 6 North East based writers to develop short plays, with dramaturgical support from award-winning writer, Sarah Tarbit. The selected writers will take part in bespoke script development sessions, receive career support and have their plays professionally performed at Gala, with potential for scripts to be selected for future touring. Selected writers will receive £500 to take part.

View opportunity on hooleytheatre.com

The Victoria Wood Playwriting Prize for Comedy

anywhere everyone 18+
full length stage plays comedy prize/competition commission

The Victoria Wood Playwriting Prize for Comedy is now accepting submissions of original, full-length, unperformed and unproduced new comedy plays. The winning writer will receive a commission fee of £10,000 funded by the Victoria Wood Foundation, and an award of £15,000 prize money.

View opportunity on birmingham-rep.co.uk

Pentabus Young Writers

anywhere everyone 16-30
application form writing sample development programme

Pentabus is accepting applications from playwrights aged 16-30 for their National and Local Young Writers programmes. You’ll work with experienced writers and directors to develop a short script to be produced by a professional team.

View opportunity on pentabus.co.uk

Tamasha Surgery Sessions

London global majority writers Black writers South Asian writers no age limits
application form one to one support

Tamasha are offering one to one in-person sessions with their Artistic Director, Pooja Ghai. The 30 minute sessions will take place on Thursday 7 December. They are a chance to share ideas, learn more about Tamasha, get artistic / career advice, or to have a chat with some of the team.

View opportunity on tamasha.org.uk

Wooden Arrow: The Scratch

London everyone no age limits
script submission pitch short plays application form scratch night

Wooden Arrow are seeking submissions of new writing and performance pieces of up to 10 minutes in length, from fully formed scripts to ideas at their earliest stages. The Scratch will feature exciting new work, an industry panel and a networking event for artists & audiences taking place after performances.

View opportunity on woodenarrow.org

The Annual Playwrights Christmas Party

London everyone no age limits
any social / event

The Annual Playwrights Christmas Party is a chance for playwrights and screenwriters of any level of experience to come together in a relaxed, non-networking environment. This year, it will be on Sunday 10th December at the Bush Theatre, 6pm - midnight.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Short Attention Span Theatre Writers Call Out

anywhere Scotland everyone no age limits
short plays script submission production

Short Attention Span Theatre is looking for 10 minute plays for their February shows at the Ayr Gaiety. The theme is Day Trippers and pieces should require no more than 3 actors. Ideally, writers should be able to attend rehearsals in Glasgow.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Omnibus Theatre: Engine Room

London everyone no age limits
application form development programme

Engine Room is Omnibus Theatre’s flagship artist support programme, giving theatre makers and artists the opportunity to experiment, play and develop ideas. It offers a 20-minute performance slot or 30 minute reading of your piece for an invited audience, up to three days free rehearsal space at Omnibus Theatre, a dramaturgical session, technical assistance, and meaningful audience feedback.

View opportunity on omnibus-clapham.org

Women in Theatre Lab

anywhere women writers no age limits
writing sample CV/portfolio pitch development programme commission

The Women in Theatre Lab is open to emerging and mid-career female playwrights based in the UK. It aims to help address the under-representation of women in UK theatre by creating an ongoing paid pipeline of support from ideas to first drafts to full commissions and productions.

View opportunity on womenintheatrelab.com

SSP@50 Fellowship Awards

Scotland everyone no age limits
application form prize/competition

The Scottish Society of Playwrights will offer ten Fellowships Awards to innovative, inspiring, boundary-stretching projects that honour, celebrate and promote playwriting in Scotland. The Awards are open to established and emerging playwrights and theatre makers working in Scottish theatre.

View opportunity on scottishsocietyofplaywrights.co.uk

CRIPtic Arts: 2024 Artist Development Programmes

anywhere disabled writers no age limits
application form commission development programme funding

CRIPtic Arts are running 4 artist development programmes in 2024 for disabled creatives: emerging writers, fresh performers, experienced creatives, and company innovators.

View opportunity on cripticarts.org

Just Some Theatre: Script Callout

anywhere everyone no age limits
full length stage plays script submission production

Just Some Theatre are looking for script submissions of full length plays suitable for rural touring in the UK. The script must be written by a UK resident, able to be performed by a cast size of 2 to 4, appropriate for a wide audience, with minimal swearing, violence, nudity and sexual themes, and must not have been previously performed professionally in its entirety.

View opportunity on justsometheatre.co.uk

Quantum Egg: ALGORITHM

anywhere everyone no age limits
short plays script submission scratch night production

Quantum Egg are looking for scripts centred around their sci-fi inspired theme for their ALGORITHM anthology night in March 2024. Scripts should be no more than 30 minutes and should require no more than 3 actors (actors can multi-role). Selected scripts will undergo a period of development with their dramaturgical team, and writers will be paid profit-share.

View opportunity on instagram.com

The Bread & Roses Theatre: Emerging Artist 2024

London everyone no age limits
CV/portfolio cover letter development programme production

The Bread & Roses Theatre is offering an artist, of any (or many!) theatre-making disciplines a one year attachment to the theatre. They are seeking an Emerging Artist in the very early stages of their career who is interested in further developing their skills, gaining insights into making productions and running a theatre, as well as making new connections and working in a diverse and forward-thinking environment.

View opportunity on breadandrosestheatre.co.uk

The Script Room

anywhere everyone no age limits
script submission production

The Script Room is a London showcase for new theatre writing from director Barry Edwards and Optik Theatre, supported by Richmond Upon Thames Libraries. Submissions are open for their 10th showcase, which will take place in March 2024. They are looking for scripts with a maximum cast of 4 and a running time of up to an hour. A fee of £50 will be paid to each writer.

View opportunity on thescriptroom.com

A Play, A Pie and A Pint: David MacLennan Award

Scotland everyone 18+
writing sample pitch prize/competition

The David MacLennan Award is about uncovering new writing talent in Scotland and giving an opportunity to someone who has never written a professionally produced play before. The winner will have their work developed and presented as part of A Play, A Pie and A Pint (PPP)’s Autumn 2024 season at Oran Mor, Glasgow.

View opportunity on playpiepint.com

Middle Child: Fresh Ink commissions

Yorkshire and the Humber everyone 18+
application form writing sample commission

Middle Child is looking to commission writers with a demonstrable connection to Hull. There are a range of different-sized commissions available, from 15-minute explorations of very early ideas all the way up to a complete 70-minute play.

View opportunity on middlechildtheatre.co.uk

The Bread & Roses Theatre: Raise the Vibration

London LGBTQ+ writers non-binary writers women writers no age limits
script submission production

The Bread & Roses Theatre are looking for monologues or spoken word pieces of no more than 10 minutes in length by women (cis & trans), non-binary or gender fluid performers or writers for their Raise the Vibration V-Day event. Submissions can form any part of your experience around sexual, physical, racial, economic, political, socio-cultural, ideological and climate crisis violence.

View opportunity on breadandrosestheatre.co.uk

Lancaster Playwriting Prize

North West everyone 12-18
short plays script submission prize/competition

The Lancaster Playwriting Prize is looking for short script submissions from young writers living or learning in Lancashire. Winners will be selected from two age brackets, 12-15 & 16-18 years old.

View opportunity on dukeslancaster.org

Peter Shaffer Postgraduate Award for Playwriting

anywhere everyone no age limits
CV/portfolio pitch cover letter residency prize/competition

Trinity College Cambridge invites applications for this award to support a playwright at the beginning of their career. Applicants must be graduates of a university in the United Kingdom who have completed their undergraduate degree no more than five years prior to taking up the award. The recipient will take up post for twelve months as ‘The Peter Shaffer Playwright in Residence’ at Trinity College in October 2024.

View opportunity on cam.ac.uk

Kiln Theatre: Listen Local Young Writers Taster Sessions

London everyone 18-30
application form workshop

Through the Listen Local Young Writers project, Kiln Theatre works with 10 first-time writers aged 18-30 who live, learn, or earn in Brent. They are paid at London Living Wage to take part in all workshops as they develop their first short play for performance in a rehearsed reading on the Kiln stage. Taster workshops for the 2024 Listen Local Young Writers programme will be taking place in January 2024. You can register your interest now.

View opportunity on kilntheatre.com

RAFTA Scriptwriting Competition

anywhere everyone 18+
script submission short plays cover letter production prize/competition

The RAFTA (Rise Against Fanaticism Through the Arts) scriptwriting competition is looking for for creative and unique 25-35 page scripts against extremism, intolerance and xenophobia. The winning script will receive £500 with the commitment to produce it for the stage. 5 runners-up will be selected for rehearsed script readings.

View opportunity on sohayavisions.com

two thousand and one productions: new writing call out

London global majority writers working class writers disabled writers neurodivergent writers LGBTQ+ writers 17-25
script submission full length stage plays production

two thousand and one productions are looking to produce original writing from under-represented artists aged 17-25 and based in London. Scripts must have a maximum of 1-4 ensemble members and a running time of up to a hour.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Seventh Sense Theatre Company: Class Acts 2.0

anywhere London working class writers no age limits
script submission short plays production scratch night

Seventh Sense Theatre Company is looking for 10-15 minute snippets of plays from working class artists to be performed at Golden Goose Theatre on 23 & 24 February 2024.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Bush Theatre Open Submissions

anywhere Ireland everyone no age limits
full length stage plays script submission

The Bush Theatre is open for submissions of full length, unproduced plays from writers based in the UK and Ireland that don’t have an agent.

View opportunity on bushtheatre.co.uk

Writer in Residence: Blackpool

North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber everyone no age limits
CV/portfolio cover letter writing sample residency

The Old Electric is open to applications for a three-month writing residency dedicated to new writing in Blackpool. This opportunity is aimed at writers in the North who have at least two year’s writing experience under their belt (in any genre, including prose verse, script, poetry, spoken word, creative and non-fiction).

View opportunity on theoldelectric.co.uk

Papatango Prize 2024

anywhere Ireland everyone no age limits
full length stage plays script submission prize/competition

The Papatango Prize is open for submissions until 11 March! The winning writer will receive £7500, a production of their winning script by Papatango and Park Theatre and publication by Nick Hern Books. Script feedback will be available to all entrants.

View opportunity on papatango.co.uk

Theatre503 International Playwriting Award

anywhere Ireland everyone 16+
full length stage plays prize/competition

Theatre503 are accepting submissions of plays over 65 minutes in length for their 2024/25 International Playwriting Award.

View opportunity on theatre503.com

Playwrights Flashmob

anywhere everyone no age limits
any social / event

Tuesday 2nd July, 11am-2pm.

View opportunity on substack.com

Soho Theatre: Writers’ Lab

anywhere everyone no age limits
application form development programme

The Soho Theatre Writers’ Lab programme is an entry-level course designed to support new writers to create a play over 9 months.

View opportunity on sohotheatre.com

Pentabus: Jerwood Writer in Residence

anywhere everyone no age limits
application form CV/portfolio full length stage plays writing sample residency

Pentabus are looking for an emerging theatre artist to become their first Jerwood Writer in Residence. The £12,000 bursary supports a professional playwright in the early stage of their career, giving the recipient the opportunity to spend up to a year at their base in Ludlow, South Shropshire. During their time with Pentabus, the recipient will write at least one new full length play or piece of theatre.

View opportunity on pentabus.co.uk

Kali Theatre: Climate Plays Call Out

anywhere South Asian writers 18+
short plays commission

Kali is looking for two exceptional short scripts by writers of South Asian heritage that explore the theme of Climate Crisis.

View opportunity on kalitheatre.co.uk

Moya Jane Productions: Scratch Night

London everyone no age limits
script submission short plays scratch night

Moya Jane Productions are producing their first scratch night, Optimise the Interim, at Barons Court Theatre and are keen to hear some new voices.

View opportunity on instagram.com

Royal Court: Introduction to Playwriting Groups

anywhere everyone 18+
writing sample application form development programme

The Royal Court Introduction to Playwriting Groups are once again open for submissions!

View opportunity on royalcourttheatre.com

Tara Theatre: NOVA Playwriting Seed Commissions

anywhere South Asian writers no age limits
script submission pitch writing sample development programme commission

NOVA is a seed commission for writers of South Asian heritage or connections offered by Tara Theatre to submit and explore ideas inspired by the themes of Tara Theatre’s future seasons.

View opportunity on taratheatre.com

SoulSpire Arts: Roots & Connections Scratch Night

London everyone global majority writers no age limits
short plays script submission scratch night

SoulSpire Arts are hosting their debut scratch night at The Space on Sunday 29th September. Pieces must relate to the theme of “Roots & Connections” and should be no longer than 10 minutes.

View opportunity on instagram.com

Polka Playwriting Award

anywhere Ireland everyone 16+
full length stage plays prize/competition production

The Polka Playwriting Award will champion exceptional playwriting and the important creation of new work for Young Audiences. Scripts must be written for any age range between 7-13, with a maximum cast of 4 performers, and should not have been performed before.

View opportunity on polkatheatre.com

Hippodrome Origins

West Midlands everyone 17+
application form CV/portfolio writing sample development programme

Hippodrome Origins is an 18-month artist development programme for creatives in the West Midlands who make theatre.

View opportunity on birminghamhippodrome.com

SHIFTING THE NARRATIVE: Radical Love Commissions

anywhere global majority writers 18+
application form commission

The Bush Theatre, ATG Entertainment’s Creative Learning team and the producers of Shifters are inviting applications from early-career Global Majority playwrights for a paid opportunity to create short responses to the themes of Benedict Lombe’s Shifters.

View opportunity on cognitoforms.com

The Writers’ Corner: Loving In Colour Vol. 2

anywhere global majority writers no age limits
short plays script submission scratch night

The Writers’ Corner is seeking 5-15 minute scripts from global majority writers for their upcoming scratch night on the theme of love (familial, platonic, romantic or self-love) at The Pleasance Theatre.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Yale Drama Series 2025

anywhere everyone no age limits
full length stage plays prize/competition

The Yale Drama Series is seeking submissions for its 2025 playwriting competition. Submissions must be original, unpublished full-length plays that have not yet been professionally produced. Plays must have a minimum of 65 pages.

View opportunity on yale.edu

Bristol Old Vic: Early Career Writers Programme

South West everyone no age limits
application form development programme

Bristol Old Vic are open for applications for their Early Career Writers Programme 2024 - 2025. Writers must be from or based in the South West.

View opportunity on bristololdvic.org.uk

The Customs House: PLAY 4

North East everyone no age limits
script submission short plays scratch night

PLAY 4 is an opportunity for five writers to have 15 minutes of their work performed as a rehearsed reading by a cast of professional actors as part of an evening of new writing on Thursday 17th October. They are looking for pieces that make us care about people, past and present from the North East.

View opportunity on customshouse.co.uk

INK Festival

anywhere Ireland everyone no age limits
short plays comedy radio plays production

INK Festival is open for submissions of plays for radio or stage for their 2025 festival!

View opportunity on inkfestival.org

Hepburn Hooks: Brown Skinned Girls

anywhere global majority writers no age limits
short plays scratch night

Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co. are looking to hear stories from Black and Brown women on any topic for their evening of short plays.

View opportunity on hepburnhooks.com

People’s Play Award

North East everyone no age limits
full length stage plays production prize/competition

The People’s Play Award is for playwrights from the North of England who are yet to have a full-length play performed professionally. One winning script will be chosen for a six-night production in May 2025 in their Studio Theatre, and the writer will receive a cash prize of £1,000.

View opportunity on peoplestheatre.co.uk

Peripeteia Theatre Company: The Boiler Room

anywhere everyone no age limits
full length stage plays development programme

Peripeteia Theatre Company is inviting script submissions of full-length plays for The Boiler Room. Scripts must have a minimum run time of 40 minutes.

View opportunity on twitter.com

Omnibus Engine Room: Next Page

anywhere everyone no age limits
application form full length stage plays development programme

As part of their work in development programme Engine Room, Omnibus Theatre are accepting submissions for their Next Page Season, which offers writers the chance to share a script they’re currently working on with a public audience.

View opportunity on omnibus-clapham.org

The Hope Theatre: Write Club

anywhere everyone no age limits
script submission full length stage plays production

Write Club is The Hope Theatre’s new writing festival that will run throughout January 2025. Pieces can be between 45-60 minutes long, with no limits on cast size.

View opportunity on twitter.com

VAULT Creative Arts: Inaugural season at The Glitch

anywhere everyone no age limits
full length stage plays application form production

VAULT Creative Arts and The Glitch have been granted funds by Lambeth Council UKSPF, and Central Government to renovate their performance space, transforming the venue into an exciting, 55-seat space (available in-the-round, or with audience on 3 sides). They are now opening EOIs for programming for their Spring Season!

View opportunity on theglitch.london

Liverpool’s Royal Court: Stage Write Playwright Development Programme

North West everyone no age limits
application form development programme

Led by Liverpool’s Royal Court Stage Write team with the help of professional writers and directors, this programme aims to develop your writing skills and guide you towards developing a full-length script for stage. Meeting two evenings a month for nine months the programme is completely free and is open to writers living or studying in Liverpool City Region.

View opportunity on liverpoolsroyalcourt.com

Menagerie: Young Writers’ Workshop 2025

East of England everyone 18-30
application form development programme

The Young Writers’ Workshop is Menagerie’s flagship development programme for writers aged 18-30, living in the East of England and around Cambridge. It is led by Menagerie’s Co-Artistic Director, Patrick Morris.

View opportunity on menagerie.uk.com

Playwrights’ Studio Scotland Support Programmes

Scotland everyone no age limits
writing sample application form any pitch development programme funding script reading service

Playwrights’ Studio Scotland are open for applications to a variety of support programmes for Scottish playwrights, including their Playwright Mentoring Programme, Disabled Playwright Support Programme, Play Development Bursary, Bursaraidh Leasachaidh Dealbh-chluich Gàidhlig and Self-led Projects, along with their National Script Reading Service.

View opportunity on playwrightsstudio.co.uk

BBC Writers: Open Call

anywhere everyone 18+
script submission full length stage plays radio plays development programme

Applications for the BBC Writers Open Call will remain open until 12 noon on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.

View opportunity on bbc.co.uk

Pleasance: London Associate Artists 2025-27

London everyone no age limits
application form development programme

The Associate Artists programme offers bespoke, practical support to theatre artists, companies, creatives and writers in London.

View opportunity on pleasance.co.uk

Etcetera Theatre: Women Writers Festival

anywhere London everyone no age limits
script submission production

Applications are now open for the Women Writers Festival 2025, taking place January 6th - 31st, 2025 at the Etcetera Theatre, Camden.

View opportunity on instagram.com

Page To Stage London: January Scratch Night

London everyone no age limits
application form script submission short plays scratch night

Page To Stage London are open for submissions of 10 minute theatre scripts to be performed at their January scratch night.

View opportunity on instagram.com

Bill Cashmore Award

anywhere everyone 18-30
short plays prize/competition production

Submissions are now open for The Bill Cashmore Award: One Act Play Prize. Writers must be aged 18-30, and the script must be no more than 20 pages and suitable for a cast of 5 actors ages 18-25. The prize offers a paid opportunity for two new one-act plays to be professionally produced at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.

View opportunity on lyric.co.uk

National Student Drama Festival 2025

anywhere everyone 16-25
script submission short plays full length stage plays production scratch night social / event

If you have a show or work-in-progress that you think could be performed or shared at NSDF 25, submissions are now open. The next festival will take place at the Curve Theatre Leicester from 22nd-26th April 2025 and will be a week dedicated to the future of theatre and theatre making.

View opportunity on nsdf.org.uk

The Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting

anywhere everyone no age limits
full length stage plays script submission prize/competition

The Bruntwood Prize 2025 is open for submissions until 6pm on Thursday 9th January 2025.

View opportunity on writeaplay.co.uk

Omnibus Theatre: Engine Room

anywhere London everyone no age limits
application form development programme

Engine Room is Omnibus Theatre’s flagship year-long artist support programme, giving theatre makers and artists the opportunity to challenge their work and develop their craft. Once a month, 3 companies come together to each share a 20 minute extract of work in development in front of a public audience; their rehearsal, performance and feedback then helps the company on next stage of their creative process.

View opportunity on omnibus-clapham.org

Flat 4 Theatre: Freshly Squeezed

London everyone no age limits
short plays script submission application form scratch night

Flat 4 Theatre will be hosting another Freshly Squeezed Scratch Night at The Golden Goose on Thursday 13th of February 2025. They are looking for scenes / extracts up to 15 minutes in length and monologues up to 5 minutes in length.

View opportunity on google.com

Talawa Introductory Writers’ Group

London Black writers 18+
application form development programme

Through fortnightly classes, personalised notes on your script, bespoke 1-2-1s with professional dramaturgs and a community-oriented space to fail, learn and grow, Talawa’s Introductory Writers’ Group (IWG) aims to create a well-curated group of likeminded Black writers who are destined to be the future of writing talent across theatre, radio, TV and film. Uniquely specialising in an Afrocentric approach to plot, narrative, structure, character, dialogue and more, you will gain practical tools that will set you off on your journey as a professional writer.

View opportunity on talawa.com

Untitled Experiment: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

London everyone no age limits
application form production scratch night

An iterative experiment to examine both a creative development and an audience’s level of investment. Three writers, each writer presenting an emerging piece over the course of three months with a dedicated audience returning for each of the three instalments.

View opportunity on untitledexperiment.org

New Earth Theatre: Seed Commission and Creative Incubator

anywhere East Asian writers South East Asian writers no age limits
application form development programme residency commission

New Earth Theatre are looking for six British East and Southeast Asian artists/companies who are interested in using a heritage artform in their modern theatre practice. Each artist will receive £2,000, mentoring in fundraising, marketing, and creative development, and a residency in a leading theatre venue.

View opportunity on newearththeatre.org.uk

Nalini Theatre Company R&D

anywhere South Asian writers no age limits
short plays workshop

Nalini Theatre Company are looking for short plays for an upcoming R&D (30-45 minutes) that explore the heart of South Asian experiences.

View opportunity on instagram.com

Cast: Doncaster People’s Theatre - Writer

Yorkshire and the Humber everyone no age limits
CV/portfolio writing sample cover letter

Cast are looking for a South Yorkshire professional playwright (or one with strong links to the area) to work with the Doncaster People’s Theatre on a consultation and R&D phase of a proposal for their next production (Summer 2026). This will involve leading creative sessions with the company and creating a proposal for a new production, in consultation with Cast’s Participation team.

View opportunity on castindoncaster.com

Orange Tree Theatre: 2025 OT Writers’ Collective

anywhere London everyone no age limits
CV/portfolio application form writing sample development programme

For over a decade, the OT Writers’ Collective has offered a cohort of mid-career playwrights an opportunity to share practice, build networks, gain industry insights, and develop new ideas. Candidates should already have had at least two professional productions of their work of at least one week each.

View opportunity on orangetreetheatre.co.uk

Salt Circle Productions: To Whom It May Concern

London everyone no age limits
script submission short plays scratch night

Salt Circle Productions are looking for submissions of 5 minute monologues on the theme of ‘it’s complicated’ for their ninth To Whom It May Concern at The Glitch on 26th March 2025.

View opportunity on instagram.com